Two strands: Medieval and Modern Celtic Worlds

A two-year, European-Union certified Master’s degree course at the Victor Segalen Arts and Humanities School in Brest, France.

Located in the heart of Breton-speaking Brittany, Finistère (Penn ar Bed in Breton, meaning literally the “end of the world”), the University of Western Brittany, Brest, is situated in one of the most beautiful regions of France.
La bataille de Clontarf ; le roi viking de Dublin Sigtryggr Silkiskegg contre Brian Boru, l’« Imperator Scottorum »
Les vikings arrivent en Irlande dès le VIIIe siècle. Si, dans un premier temps, ceux-ci ont recours à des raids réguliers en revenant chaque année, ils décident rapidement de s’installer définitivement sur l’île. La cohabitation avec les irlandais n’est alors pas évidente et de nombreux conflits ont lieu pour les richesses, le pouvoir et la religion.
Myth in Irish landscape
The stunning landscapes of Ireland are best known to be the hiding place of the fairy creatures that inhabit the island in traditional folklore. But, side by side with fairies and Gods, also great heroes walked once the legendary Irish planes. The green hills and mountains were once the perfect setting of the Fiann Cycle, one of the most successful Irish epic stories. If nowadays what can be (…)
The Celtic Languages
Overview of the Celtic languages and their origins.
Old Nick or the Swansea devil
You might be familiar with Robert the doll or Anabelle, two allegedly haunted dolls whose stories inspired many movies that frightened many people… Well, the character that you are going to encounter in this article will send shivers down your spine the same way Anabelle the Doll did to you last Halloween… Let me introduce you to: Old Nick, the diabolical statue that destroyed a church.
Fàilte chun na Gàidhlig! À la découverte du gaélique écossais
Dans cet article j’aimerais vous présenter la langue celtique parlée en Écosse. Peut-être moins connu que le gaélique irlandais mais tout aussi charmant et riche, je vous présente le gaélique écossais ou Gàidhlig ! Fàilte chun na Gàidhlig [1] !
Triple Death and Threefold Death in Celtic Archaeology and Literature
This is an introduction to my master’s thesis. It thus presents the matters of the threefold death found in Insular Celtic medieval literature, and why it will be compared to the Iron Age bog bodies Lindow man and Old Croghan man, found in the British Isles, who are also found to have endured a triple death.
Cernunnos, les origines du Diable dans le christianisme
Cernunnos est une des divinités les plus marquantes dans le panthéon gaulois, dans la mesure où il est considéré comme le dieu-père, mais aussi par son apparence zoomorphe, qui décontenancera les Romains, mais surtout par les multiples fonctions et natures que lui donne les différents peuples.
A Welsh, English, Bilingual Dichotomy and The Welsh Poet, Writer and Dramatist, Gwyneth Lewis
A brief literary history depicting the plight faced by the native Welsh, during, and on through the after-math of the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. Interweaving ’The Book of Anerin’ by the 6th century Brythonic poet, Anerin, with the shap-shifting 6th century poet, bard, Talisiein, and the early 9th or 10th century Welsh englyn-poems, ’The songs of Heledd’. Taliesin’s re-appearance in Lady (…)
Migration in Irish literature: “Irishness”, second-generation and “in-betweenness”
Migration is a leading theme in Irish literature. The aim here is to review how Irish writers - born in Ireland or descendant from an Irish family - represent this phenomenon in their fictional writings. In particular, how the second-generation, the children of those who left, define their “Irishness” (their feeling of being Irish). Jane Urqhuat’s Away will be taken as an example to illustrate (…)
Des arbres et des hommes : le concept de l’Arbre du monde dans la mythologie celtique