Two strands: Medieval and Modern Celtic Worlds

A two-year, European-Union certified Master’s degree course at the Victor Segalen Arts and Humanities School in Brest, France.

Located in the heart of Breton-speaking Brittany, Finistère (Penn ar Bed in Breton, meaning literally the “end of the world”), the University of Western Brittany, Brest, is situated in one of the most beautiful regions of France.
The Wild Geese and Irish Migrations to Chile
Chile is a South American country that has borders with Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina. It was colonised, like other Latin American countries, by the Spanish. Chile would sign its independence from Spain only in 1818; prior to that, it was subject to its laws and authority. Since the 1800s, Chile witnessed many immigrants from Europe, including Spain, Italy, Germany, and the British Isles, who (…)
Honour in Medieval Ireland: why King Ronan slew his son?
One of the most popular topics in world literature is murder, and of course, ancient Irish literature is no exception to this pattern. This article will analyse an excellent example of the Irish medieval legends. The tale named How Ronan Killed His Son holds a lot of cultural, historical and literary treasures that have attracted researchers for many years, but before all, it perfectly (…)
L’enseignement du breton et le gouvernement
Que disent les lois sur l’enseignement des langues régionales et de façon plus précise sur le breton ?
The influence of the Black Death in Celtic countries
The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, was a catastrophic pandemic that ravaged Europe in the mid-14th century, killing millions of people in its wake. The disease is believed to have originated in Central Asia and was spread throughout Europe via trade routes, reaching the Celtic regions in the 1340s. The Celtic regions of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales were among the areas affected (…)
Negative attitude of High School Students towards learning Irish in the Republic of Ireland
The paper is about negative attitude of high school students learning Irish in Ireland. There are different reasons why these learners are not motivated enough to learn the language. This paper will explore possible reasons and points out recommendations.
Le breton de Batz-sur-Mer
La frontière linguistique entre langue gallèse et langue bretonne fait débat, aujourd’hui le breton est revendiqué par les départements de la Loire Atlantique et de l’Île et Vilaine. C’est dans ce contexte qu’une politique de signalisation en breton gagne peu à peu du terrain dans les deux départements, visant à traduire des noms de villes en langue bretonne qui pour une partie n’existaient (…)
Le Gouren, la lutte bretonne
Le gouren, lutte traditionnelle bretonne, est un sport pratiqué en Bretagne mais pas que...
Les femmes et le changement de langue en Basse-Bretagne
La courbe descendante du changement de langue en Bretagne bretonnante est bien connue. Entre le début de la première guerre mondiale et le début des années 50, on passe d’une population quasi entièrement locutrice du breton à la disparition quasi-totale d’enfants élevés dans cette langue. Quel rôle ont joué les femmes dans le changement d’une langue maternelle à une autre, en l’espace de près (…)
Les représentations sociales des langues minoritaires
Comment s’articulent le marché linguistique et la place des langues minoritaires et de leurs représentations.
Video games: where’s Wales?
This article is a short look at a representation of Wales and the Welsh in video games.