Celtic Breizh

A blog by the students, for the students

It was by a typical rainy and chilly Brest afternoon of September 2017 that the Master Celtic languages and Cultures in Contact was officially launched. Fourteen young men and women from all around the world and various fields of study came together to study the history of the different Celtic cultures, learn Breton, Welsh and Irish, gather at the pub and complain about the terrible weather.

This blog was started by those very students, to ease their future comrades into the University, the master and the city of Brest, share their own articles on their various topic of interest about Celtic culture, inform them of any upcoming conference or local events related to anything Celtic, tell them of all the good nearby addresses, be it for studying, relaxing or partying, or simply inform any curious soul (in a quest for the perfect master, perhaps) who would have come across this website.

This blog is, of course, open to all students registered into the master. Any Celtic news you want to share, any linguistic or cultural event you have stumbled across, any pub or restaurant you want to advertise, or any article on a particular aspect of Celtic culture or history you have written, they are all very much welcome !

We hope you will have a good two year with us here in Brest, or if you arrived here as you were lost on road of life, that you will join us soon !


  • ‘Ar Genganez’ : term addas i ddisgrifio llenyddiaeth y Llydaweg Canol ?

    2 avril 2019
    Yng Nghymru gwyddai bron pawb y gair ‘Cynghanedd’ ond yn Llydaw mae’n ymddangos dim ond lleiafrif sydd yn gyfarwydd â’r gair naill ai’n ei ddefnyddio. (...)
  • Fest Noz : Let’s Dance !

    (Student Life in Brest)
    1er avril 2019
    Amateurs de danses ou débutants ? Le fest-noz est fait pour vous ! Cette fête bretonne n’a pas fini de vous surprendre. Découvrez l’histoire du (...)
  • A History of tradition and transmission : The Barzaz Breiz vs. Marie de France

    11 mars 2019
    The origins of the Barzaz Breiz’s songs are hard to date and have many open interpretations. From legends transmitted orally to written works, we (...)
  • The motif of the bird as a love-messenger in Anglo-Norman and Welsh medieval poetry

    4 mars 2019
    The bird serves as an unexpected point of intersection between the Anglo-Norman lays of Marie de France, and the Welsh llatai of Dafydd ap (...)


Constructions, déconstructions, négociations identitaires.
Journée d’étude « Faire fronts. Les multiples théâtres de la Grande Guerre, 1914-1919 »

Organisateur : S. Carney
Heures à préciser.

Colloque « 25 ans de recherches à l’abbaye Saint-Mathieu de Fine-Terre »

Organisateur : A. Ybert
Heures à préciser.

Fil d'info

  • 15 juillet JEUNESSE ET DROIT, APPROCHES INTERNES ET INTERNATIONALES Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO)
  • 10 juillet REMISE DES DIPLÔMES DE L’ESIAB École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Agroalimentaire de Bretagne atlantique Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO)
  • 9 juillet Les Jeudis de l’art et de l’archéologie Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO)